“I’m athletic but I’m not an athlete”


Many of our patients tell us that they are athletic, not athletes. How do we decide who’s an athlete and who’s not?

The American College of Cardiology recently released the proceedings from a meeting on sports and exercise cardiology that took place in October 2012.  The document states that there is no agreement on how to define an athlete!Read more

Coronary artery disease in simple terms


Please note: this article is for general information only and should not be taken as specific medical advice. Should you have any symptoms or concerns, please seek medical attention or contact us for further evaluation. If you feel you are having a medical emergency, contact 9-1-1 immediately.
What are the coronary arteries?

The coronary arteries are the blood vessels that run on the surface of the heart, bringing blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the heart muscle.  As you can see on the image below, each coronary artery has a name that corresponds to its location on the surface of the heart.Read more

Is the ‘Google Pill’ the only hope for heart disease detection?

There has been a great deal of buzz around Google’s announcement of their plan to develop a “pill” that will circulate in the blood stream to detect early forms of cancer and give warning signs about impending cardiac complications.  Thissounds like science fiction, but who knows?  We certainly wish them the best success in this endeavor.

But do we really need to wait for these futuristic projects to be able to detect heart disease early?  I wrote an Op Ed for the San Jose Mercury News which you may find informative.

Cardiac arrest during marathons: 10 facts to consider

Last Sunday, an experienced marathon runner in his mid-50’s collapsed a few yards from the finish line during the Road2Hope half-marathon in Hamilton, Ontario.  Regrettably, the paramedics were unable to resuscitate him.  This unfortunate story illustrates the rare but tragic phenomenon of exercise-induced sudden cardiac arrest.Read more