Press release announcing AHSF’s debut



October 22, 2014



Athletic Heart of San Francisco demystifies cardiology with comprehensive cardiovascular screening for professional athletes and weekend warriors


SAN FRANCISCO – Athletic Heart of San Francisco (AHSF) has officially opened its doors as the first dedicated sports cardiology clinic in the Bay Area. Established by sports cardiology specialist Dr. Michel Accad, AHSF was created to meet the unique needs of athletic individuals. With sudden cardiac arrest remaining a national health epidemic and the leading cause of death among athletes, AHSF offers a robust combination of tests and individualized evaluations to screen for heart disease and other cardiac complications that could unknowingly put an athlete’s health at risk. AHSF also provides outpatient consultations and treatment for athletes and patients with heart disease who want to resume or engage in intense exercise.Read more

The new A.H.A. scientific statement about the 12-lead ECG as a screening tool for youth and young adults

The American Heart Association recently published an excellent document that very comprehensively examines the  12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) as a tool to screen populations of youth and young adults (age range 12-25).

This will be a very useful reference document for years to come.  It covers medical, technical, logistical, socioeconomic, legal, and ethical aspects of screening in great detail, and lists a vast number of references.

The final recommendation against endorsing the use of the ECG for “mandatory and universal mass screening” is unsurprising, and was anticipated by most attendees of the recent Sports and Exercise Cardiology Summit.Read more

The Launch of No More Broken Hearts

In late September, the non-profit organization No More Broken Hearts  was launched to raise awareness of the need of screenings to prevent heart attacks and strokes.  It was a superb gathering of family, friends and interested in heart health. The setting was a lively, comfortable, residential block celebration with music, drinks, Absolute BBQ Express food truck caterers and many fun festivities.

No More Broken HeartsAs Victoria Dupuy, the founder of No More Broken Hearts, began her quest, Athletic Heart of San Francisco was on a similar timeline, coming into existence to fill the need for cardiovascular screenings. The paths of Athletic Heart of San Francisco and No More Broken Hearts came together with the help of S.H.A.P.E. (Society for Heart Attack Prevention and Eradication).Read more